Thursday, July 3, 2008

mY mAn

my mAn
i Do beLievEd to thE loRd aboVe
For hE cREatE YOu for mE to LovE
he picK you OuT amOng thE rEst
bEcausE he knOws i LovE yoU bEst
And iF i diE andgo To hEavEn
and yoUr nOt
TherE i'LL wait fOr yoU on thE cLoudy
bUt if yOu wonT comE on thE judgemEnt dAy
Surely yOur on thE othEr wAy
so i tUrn mY angEL wingS
mY goLdEn lamP and EverythiNg
to pRovE yOu mY lovE its tRUe
i'LL go to hELL to bE with yOu.........

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